Total Student Loans
Current Payment: $350.49
Your New Payment: $232.59
Monthly Savings: $117.90
 Private & Secure

Consolidate with Medical School Loans

I discussed consolidation with my brother and I finally decided to get some more information about it. I called Medical School Loans and I was stunned by the knowledge and information that the Loan Counselor had given me. After I talked to my brother again we decided that after all the places we called Medical School Loans was the best so I called them back to complete my application. Thanks again!
Amber O.  NJ.

I was working for a non-profit organization and really struggling with my monthly payments on my student loans. I decided to call Medical School Loans to see what they could do to my monthly payment. My loan advocate was extremely helpful and really went the extra mile to get my payment as low as possible. Thanks so much Medical School Loans!
Brooke G. CA.

I was so stressed out with my upcoming graduation when I got a call from Medical School Loans to finish my application that I had started online. It was the last thing I thought I needed to do but I was assured by my loan advocate that it was a simple process and it would be worth it to reserve my consolidation now before the rates went up. My loan advocate walked me through the esignature process online and it took me no more than 5 minutes. I was so grateful when I graduated that I had that already taken care of and could really focus on finding a good job. Thanks for your persistence Medical School Loans!
Jeremiah A. GA.

I just want to thank my personal loan counselor for taking the time to explain everything to me.
Ryan T. NY.

Thank you Medical School Loans for your help. I was surprised to find this process relatively speedy & stress free. I will be forwarding my younger sister to you as well since you did such a great job.
Tammy R. FL.

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